쉐리쉐리한 느낌이 가득했던 ‘부나하벤 12’ 리뷰 (Bunnahabhain 12, 46.3%)
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Beer, Whisky/위스키

쉐리쉐리한 느낌이 가득했던 ‘부나하벤 12’ 리뷰 (Bunnahabhain 12, 46.3%)

by 곰돌이C 2024. 3. 25.

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부나하벤 12 위스키 리뷰
(Bunnahabhain 12, 700ml, 46.3%)

총점 : 4.3 (★★★★☆)

뚜따 후 처음에는 약간 비릿한 향이 인상깊다.
에어링 할수록 진가가 느껴진다.

1. 가격 및 구매처
세종상회에서 99,000원에 구매하였고
10만원 이내에서 구매 가능하다면 좋은 가격인 것 같다.

2. 부나하벤12 소개 (from. whiskey Searcher.)
Bunnahabhain (pronounced "bun-na-ha-ven" and meaning "mouth of the river" in Gaelic) is a whisky distillery located on the remote island of Islay just off the west coast of Scotland. Unlike most Islay whiskies, the Bunnahabhain single malt Scotch whiskies are not heavily peated or smoky.
The brand dates back to 1881 when William Robertson (of wine and spirits brokers Robertson & Baxter) co-founded the distillery with the Greenlees brothers (also well known in the whisky business at the time). By 1883, the distillery's whisky production was in full swing and, in 1963, the increased popularity of Scotch led to the number of stills being doubled.
The early 1980s saw a decline in the whisky market and the distillery was mothballed in 1982 although production resumed just two years later. In the years that followed, Bunnahabhain passed through several different owners before it was acquired by the Distell Group in 2013.
None of the single malt Scotch whiskies produced by Bunnahabhain are chill-filtered (which, while often used in commercial whisky production, often removes desirable esters otherwise contributing the whisky's nose).
There are a total of seven whiskies in the range: including the Gaelic-named Ceòbanach, Eirigh Na Greine and Toiteach.
• Ceòbanach translates as "smoky mist" in Scottish Gaelic.
• Eirigh Na Greine also takes its name from the Gaelic word for "morning sky" and is produced in small batches. This Scotch whisky is composed of several different Bunnahabhain whiskies of numerous ages, all of which are matured in ex-red wine casks.
• Toiteach is the the most heavily peated of the range and literally translates as "smoky".
The Bunnahabhain whisky making process starts with malted and lightly peated barley that is combined with heated Margadale spring water in the mash tun to produce the wort. Fermentation of the wort subsequently takes place in Oregon pine washbacks.
The resultant wash is heated in wash stills and the vapor condensed and redistilled in a spirit still. The middle cut from the second distillation is kept in the spirit receiver ready for casking in large oak casks and the remaining parts redistilled.
After this process, the master distiller selects the specific casks for blending and bottling.

3. 테이스팅 노트

위스키를 오픈하면, 해변에 떨어진 해초 냄새를 맡는 느낌이 난다. 뚜따 직후에는 약간 비릿한 느낌도 조금 있었음

해초의 냄새도 잠시, 부드럽게 달콤한 맛이 타고 오며, 쉐리의 향이 느껴진다.
쉐리 숙성을 얼마나 하는진 모르겠지만 꽤 쉐리의 향이 깔려있다.
개인적으로 숙성할수록 쉐리향이 강해지는 것 같다.

피니쉬는 짭짤함이 있고, 쉐리의 여운이 남는다.
여운은 길지 않았다

노즈 : 해초의 향 + 바다 냄새 + 달큰함
팔레트 : 달콤함 + 쉐리 + 부드러움
피니쉬 : 짭짤함, 여운은 4초 정도

★☆☆☆☆ : 공짜로 줘도 안마실 놈들
★★☆☆☆ : 내 돈주고는 안마실 친구들
★★★☆☆ : 돈 값은 하는, 가끔 사먹어도 될 친구들
★★★★☆ : 다시 마셔도 질리지 않는, 개성이 있거나 본인의 컬러가 확실한 아이들
★★★★★ : 항상 보유재고 필수, 지금 당장 시동걸고 사러갈 수 있는, 쟁여 놓아도 무방한 아이들

뚜따 전
뚜따 후
Non chilled filter, Natural Color